Great Beginnings. Strong Futures.    

“In order to see ourselves as researchers we must question ‘Who is the child?’ [We must] also [question] who they are becoming each day. We all constantly change in relation to our environment and experience.” – Tiziana Filippini, Pedagogista, Reggio Emilia, Italy

Constant change is a clear part of our reality during this pandemic. Journaling is a way to mark moments, big and small, that will help us to be present, as well as see next steps that are optimal for our learning communities. Though each person in a community approaches learning in their own, unique way, we do not explore alone. Journaling (in all of its forms) celebrates learning environments, school communities, and families – relationships that all contribute to the image of children and their beloved adults as researchers.
1. Nano – Explore up-close examples of children showing what they know by making marks (pen, pencil, paint, chalk, charcoal, etc.)
2. Micro – Explore how journaling (adult and child) can contribute powerfully to the feedback loop of documentation: connect the dots of shared thinking, reflect on the cognitive map you’re co-creating, relaunch old ideas, launch new ideas
3. Macro – Explore how Learning Journey Books can highlight who children are as learners (in addition to displaying a collection of works to determine growth)
To attend, please complete and return registration form at least 3 days prior to event date.
Presenter: Jody Wert
Credits: 2.00