RPC offers ongoing professional development and support for early educators in Randolph County to ensure licensed centers and homes meet state requirements for staff certification and training as well as enhance the quality of early care and education. Training is offered for early educators who work with children birth–5 years, with extended training opportunities for school age care, and work in child care programs or family child care homes in Randolph and neighboring counties.
To register, select the workshop or training event below, and then click on the “REGISTER NOW” button.
Play in Practice includes a strong nature immersion component that reinforces the benefits and importance
of playing outside. Discussions will include: supporting the unique qualities of children’s play; strategies
for developing support structures and partnerships, incorporating play into lessons, programs and everyday life, and how to ignite a culture of change.
*All Playful Pedagogy Trainings offer .5 CEU credit per session and are FREE to Randolph County early educators!
Facilitator: Linda Kinney, Nature Play and School Programs Manager
Register Here!
Come see how easy it is to…Take LEARNING outside! Explore the why behind outdoor learning and gain insights from local early educators who have found tremendous success in nature play learning. Learn first hand how do-able it is to implement anywhere with any budget! It’s a great way to kickoff National Take a Child Outside Week Sept. 24-30th!
Facilitators: Sandy Johnson/Margie Trogdon/Dawn Greene
Register Here!