Building Resilience
Toxic stress caused by abuse and neglect can negatively affect behavior and health in children. These affects last through adulthood. Toxic stress contributes to diseases and shorter life expectancy. That’s why we are committed to building awareness. We support environments and partnerships that build resilience.

When a child experiences adverse childhood experiences, they are always on alert and stressed. This affects health and behavior.
We work with community partners to provide professional development to build capacity among Randolph County’s early educators to support young children and families affected by toxic stress. Through our work with Randolph ChAMPS, we offer screenings and discussions of the documentary “Resilience: The Biology of Stress & The Science of Hope.” The documentary is one hour and is typically paired with a 20-minute discussion. Screenings can be planned to accommodate for COVID-19 safety. To schedule professional development around the topic of building resilience, to request a documentary screening for your organization, or to learn more, contact Kristy Umfleet.
“Scientific research points to the presence of a stable, caring adult in a child’s life as the key to building the skills of resilience.”
Dr. Jack Shonkoff, Harvard University
“Resilience” Screenings
We work with community partners to host screenings of the “Resilience” documentary and implement prevention initiatives, like The Basics Randolph, to reduce toxic stress in Randolph County. Check our calendar for upcoming screenings or contact us to schedule a screening with your organization.
Change the Conversation
Ask “What happened to you?” instead of “What’s wrong with you?”
Community Partners and Resources
Randolph County Health Department
Child Care Coordination
Health Needs/Toxic Stress Birth-5
2222-B S. Fayetteville St.
Asheboro, NC 27205
Prevent Child Abuse NC
Children’s Developmental Services Agency
Special Needs/Birth-3
1213 S. Cox St.
Asheboro, NC 27203
Sandhills Center
Emotional/Behavioral Issues Birth-18
800-256-2452 (24/7)
If you would like to plan a screening of the “Resilience” documentary for your group.

Kristy Umfleet
Director of Child Care Services
kumfleet at randolphkids dot org Ext. 129